Megan Joy, the tattooed blonde singer from Utah, was given the boot by. You know, when I talked to Sandy's Megan Joy a few weeks ago, she was pretty

Megan Fox is slated to host the season premiere of "Saturday Night Live" on. Megan Joy Corkrey, "American Idol". Though she finished ninth on Season 8 of

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Play Transformers with Megan Fox on Xbox LIVE this Saturday photo

Megan Joy Is Sparking Filmmakers' Interest Megan Joy Corkrey. Credit: Kevin Winter/Getty Images

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Megan Joy was born in September 18, in 1985 as Megan Joy Knudsen in Sandy, He knew that if he did something permanent, if he got a tattoo,

That Girl, Megan Joy Corkery ! :B. Dayyummm It's going to december soon .

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He knew that if he did something permanent, if he got a tattoo, David Cook and Megan Joy performed at last night's Better than Ezra

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26 Mar 2009 I'm a big Megan Joy fan! Not because she can sing the phonebook,

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Megan Joy Corkrey. Credit: Kevin Winter/Getty Images How many tattoos does

Megan Fox, the hottest actress around at the moment, has got several tattoos

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Tags: Stardust Entertainment stardustmedia megan joy corkrey sandy utah

Megan Joy's song "Sweet Love" is extremely cawmazing! Megan Joy Is Sparking Filmmakers' Interest